We know that parents and teachers spend incredible time and energy investing in children, but do we ever forget to honor the coaches and athletic volunteers that have also devoted countless hours to the young people in our community? Many of us can think back to times we played youth sports and vividly remember those that contributed to our growth. Petro Plaza is providing an opportunity for us to honor those who have invested their lives in the children playing sports in our community.
Through a Public Private partnership, the City of Upper Arlington and the UA Field Sports Committee are renovating the entrance to Northam Park to create Petro Plaza. The Plaza is named after Mr. John Petro.
"Mr. Petro spent over 40 years in UA Athletics in the city of UA, 36 years as the head of UA Softball mentoring and empowering softball players to be a better player, person, and citizen. He serviced as President of the Upper Arlington Athletic Association which at the time was responsible for Baseball, Football, Cheerleading, and Softball. Mr. Petro’s tireless contribution of time and energy has earned him the respect and appreciation of everyone with whom he has been associated both privately and professionally and makes him a deserving recipient of the naming of this plaza."
- John Ness, Donor to the Petro Plaza Project
This plaza will beautify the entrance to Northam Park and give us the chance to appropriately show our appreciation to the coaches and volunteers that have helped the young people in our community grow in not only their athletic ability, but also their character and respect for others.
If you are interested in donating to this project, click the link below and specify that you would like your donation to go to the Petro Plaza Fund in the comments section. Contact us today at (614) 451-0700 or tharbold@uacommunityfoundation.com if you have any questions.