We came across a great candidate for a Good Neighbor Fund grant this fall and were so happy to receive a note from the parents letting us know how the grant has affected the family thus far.
These incredible parents have four beautiful children and one of their sons is deaf. Through the Good Neighbor Fund, we were able to provide a grant for the purchase of a Safe Awake smoke alarm that detects smoke and fires and uses vibrations, light, and "a low frequency, high decibel square wave sound" to notify those unable to hear a smoke alarm of a fire.
"Thank you so much for the funds to purchase a Safe Awake for our son. It arrived last week and is set up in his room. It makes us feel more confident about [his] safety at night. We're so thankful for this organization!"
We are so thankful for the wonderful opportunities we have to support those in our community through the Good Neighbor Fund. We are also specifically grateful to the donors who make it possible for us to provide grants to people who may need a one-time grant to provide a helping hand.