Individual Sponsorship Opportunities & Benefits

Lead | $10,000
Sponsorship includes recognition at podium, in printed event program, event signage, UACF website, UACF Facebook, annual report and recognition on the donor display at the City Municipal Building (display relocating to Bob Crane Community Center in 2025). Sponsorship includes 10 tickets (1 reserved table).

Inspire | $5,000
Sponsorship includes recognition in printed event program, event signage, UACF website, UACF Facebook, annual report and recognition on the donor display at the City Municipal Building (display relocating to Bob Crane Community Center in 2025). Sponsorship includes 8 tickets to event.

Engage | $2,500
Sponsorship includes recognition in printed event program, event signage, UACF website, UACF Facebook, annual report and recognition on the donor display at the City Municipal Building (display relocating to Bob Crane Community Center in 2025). Sponsorship includes 4 tickets to event.

Create | $1,000
Sponsorship includes recognition in event program, event signage, UACF website, UACF Facebook, annual report and recognition on the donor display at the City Municipal Building (display relocating to Bob Crane Community Center in 2025) (display relocating to Bob Crane Community Center in 2025). Sponsorship includes 2 tickets to event.

Donate today.

Join with others to become a collective force of positive change in our community.